NinjAcademy Make-Up Policy
In order to be eligible for a make-up, you must mark your absence on the parent portal a minimum of 24hrs prior to the missed class. Make-ups are not guaranteed and are subject to availability. All availability is shown on the parent portal. Make-ups expire 30 days after the date of the missed class and may not be scheduled or cancelled day of.
Parent Portal:
On the parent portal you will be able to update your payment information, contact information, or student information as well as log absences and schedule make-ups. The make-up policy still applies to this portal, but you will now have the ability to see what the availability is and schedule your make-ups on your own. Please note that the system will not let you schedule your make-up until the absence date is 5 days away. Once you are within that 5 day window, you will then be able to schedule your make-up.
To access the parent portal, simply follow the below link, click “forgot password”, enter your email, and then follow the link emailed to you. Here is the portal link:
Section 12a - Student Enrollment Agreement
Classes which are cancelled with less than twenty-four hours notification may have no makeup lesson provided. ... If you cancel more than twenty-four hours in advance, a make-up lesson may be provided for you depending on availability but is not guaranteed. Make-ups are only available to active students. Make-ups can be scheduled through the parent portal. If a make-up class is offered, Student must use their make-up within 30 days of their missed class.

Section 12a - Student Enrollment Agreement
If you would like to cancel your enrollment, you must inform NinjAcademy via the Parent Portal or website form by the 15th of the month prior to the month you wish to drop (example, if you do not want to continue your enrollment in July then then you must request your drop by June 15th). Failure to inform NinjAcademy by the 15th of the month preceding the next billing cycle may result in the next month’s tuition being charged.